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Sexuality At Any Age? Really?

29 Jul

I received this photo via BBM from one of my numerous cousins, we are all a little wierd and freaky, don”t judge. I thought it was hilarious and proceeded to send it to everyone I know, I received a vast array of comments; so funny, tragic and some whore just plan mean. One reply that really stood out to me was “why did you do that to me, I threw up in my mouth, I hope I don’t get horny when in old”. This comment shocked me a lot because I didn”t think people still thought that old people don’t have sex. I mean old freak use to be young freaks and old hoes use to be young hoes.

Just some food for thought, would you really want to not have sex anymore because your old?  Wouldn’t old age provide you and your partner ample time and freedom to be fucking like rabbits all day long?

I’ll tell you one thing. When im old and grey-headed I will be fucking like it’s no tomorrow, cause it just might not be lol. I plan to gum the shit outta my man every night and day. I plan to act like a giddy kid all boo’d up, sure am! So if you wanna be old with a dry pussy or chapped balls that’s on you, but don’t act like I’m the crazy one. like I always say, old age is for taking glamorous vacations, visiting the grand kids and fucking.